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Saturday, December 11, 2010


Las cosas claras y el chocolate espeso.
(Ideas should be clear and chocolate thick)
~Spanish Proverb
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They say, "It's like taking candy from a baby." Okay, if it's so easy to take candy from a baby, why not take the baby's money? "It's like taking money from a baby." If you're scummy enough to steal from a baby, you're just going to take candy?

Why aren't there other sayings like this for other age groups?

"It's like taking tacos from a teenager."

"It's like taking marshmallows from a middle-aged person."

"It's like taking noodles from a nine-year-old."

"It's like taking chili cheese fries from a child."

"It's like taking onions from an oldster."

And, wait a minute, who is giving candy to a baby, anyway?!

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