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Monday, February 18, 2013


I believe God has instilled in us a craving, a deep desire to run with Him on a fantastic adventure, yet many of us crawl along in life without even a glimpse of our hidden passion.  There has to be a reason for living.  There must be a Camelot, a hidden Utopia where we can rest from our personal campaigns.  Fantasy opens our eyes to a better place, a shining city we do not yet know.  And these stories provide a mental bridge to that city as we pursue horizons we could never distinguish with our physical eyes.
~ Bryan Davis
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I think that every day you should be able to come away with at least one good story.  It might be something you overheard on an airplane.  It might be something you experienced with a friend.  It could be something you dreamt or made up.  Stories are all around us.  We just each need to collect them on our travels through our days as we see fit in our own little libraries.

Like today when I came home and accidentally found myself in a house belonging to three bears.  You might think that's funny.  That I would confuse my own home with the home of some bears.  But it wasn't funny at all. It was better than when I visited those three pigs, though.  Or the three blind mice.  Or - most especially - the three stooges.  I know it's unkind to call them stooges, but those guys SERIOUSLY got on my nerves.  And yet, all of the above make for some pretty good stories.

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