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Thursday, December 26, 2013


The whole difference between construction and creation is exactly this: that a thing constructed can only be loved after it is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists.
~ Charles Dickens
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I really like that quote.  It is true on a lot of different levels.  Spider webs might seem like creations to non-spiders, but likely are constructed by spiders as homes or traps.

Lots of homes can feel like traps and can feel constructed in the moment rather than created.  However, I would argue that we create our memories and experiences rather than simply constructing them.  And creating them can happen long after we aren't a part of them any longer.  In the moment of the initial experience, however, they can seem very different.

I think about growing up and now I feel like that is a well of stories.  There were times in the moment, however, that it felt like a trap.  I think that is simply a part of being young and having less control (allegedly) than we do as adults (allegedly).

The other night on the phone, Leslie and I were talking about our days.  Some days feel created and some days feel constructed - with that I most certainly concur.

Leslie:  My life is like a Charles Dickens novel.

Me:  Great Expectations?

Leslie:  No.  The effed up one.  (she didn't say effed.  I edited that in).

Me:  A Christmas Carol?

Leslie:  Bleak House.