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Friday, January 2, 2015


Time spent laughing is time spent with the gods.
~ Japanese Proverb
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I get inspiration from a lot of different places.  Sometimes things just come to me, but more often I hear or see something and it makes a connection to something else in my mind.  Or sometimes I'm in the middle of a project and I hear something and it makes me think of a different way to do my project or something new to include.

The other night I was trying to write an end of the year thing.  I love the end of the year (though I do not like New Year's Eve as a holiday).  I like reflecting.  But it takes work.  At least for me.  I have to take some time and go back and consider what has happened.  Notes help.  Looking back to see what I wrote or journaled about can help me understand my experience better.

Anyway, I had been working on this end of 2014 thing for quite a while and it just wasn't coming together.  Then it was New Year's Eve and I really wanted to finish it and post it.  So I was working and writing.  I got it done.

Later that night, Leslie was reading it.  One of the things I mentioned was that I was glad I hadn't had to interact with Elmo because I don't like him especially when he talks baby talk.

Leslie:  But you like Aurora and she talks baby talk.  You do like her don't you?

Me:  What?!  Yes I like her.  But she's a BABY - gosh dang!!!

Sometimes it's hard when people don't understand your mind.  Sometimes it's even harder when they DO understand it and they mess with it.

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