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Thursday, June 29, 2017


The farmer has to be an optimist or he wouldn't still be a farmer.
~ Will Rogers
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You know that thing you do with babies toes about "this little piggy?" First of all, why is that a thing?

But more importantly, the one where "this little piggy went to market" - oh my gosh. I just had a revelation. I used to think that it meant that the pig went shopping at the grocery store. I was going to make a joke about how a piggy shopping at a farmer's market would likely be horrified by all the ham and bacon there.

Instead, I think it means that this little piggy got slaughtered and sold at the market.

I am horrified, but not by the "know where your food comes from" realization here. Rather, why would we tell babies that we are going to slaughter one of their tiny little toes?

We are not good parents when we use those little rhyme things. "Baby room rhymes" or whatever they're called.

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