It's very difficult not to be excited by 10,000 king penguins.
~ Sir David Attenborough
- - - - -My brother Kirk likes penguins. That said, I bet if he had one of these penguins he would still bite its head off.
I said he likes penguins. What I should have said is he likes TO EAT penguins!
Actually, I don't think that's true.
In today's world there isn't really any truth at all anymore, though so I guess I can say whatever idiotic thing comes to mind.
Wow this became a lot more emotionally-charged and political than I thought it was going to be when I looked at the photo. The unpredictability of our world is simultaneously magical and tragic.
It's tragical. Which is a combination of the words "tragic" and "magical." It is also just a regular word by itself without being a mashup word.
I think that about covers it for today.