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Friday, June 29, 2018


It was always himself that the coward abandoned first. 
After this all other betrayals came easily.
~ Cormac McCarthy
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I think it is a sad thing to feel abandoned. Probably worse than always having felt alone. To have a sense someone was with you and then they are not. That's really rough.

And I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "But, Michelle - look at the word abandoned. Right in the middle of abandoned is the word band. So in the middle of being lonely is possible joy."

Except what if you are feeling abandoned because someone offered to help you start a band but then ran off with all the money you gave him for the instruments? Then your little words of advice not only aren't helpful, but in fact they provoke even more pain.

But not nearly as much pain as a musical about feeling abandoned by the instrument money guy. I forget the name of that musical, but I hate it. I think maybe it's called "The Instrument Money Guy." That sounds right.

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