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Sunday, May 12, 2024


Do you know what breakfast cereal is made of? It's made of all those little curly wooden shavings you find in pencil sharpeners!
~ Roald Dahl

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I saw this in the store the other day. When I was a child they had something like this for a short period of time (maybe a year in the 1970s). It was called "Pink Panther Flakes." I begged my mom to get them for me. She said no at first and assured me I wouldn't like them. I assured her she was right - I wouldn't like them, I would LOVE them.

She finally agreed but said that she wouldn't buy me any other sugared cereal until I ate all of the Pink Panther flakes.

It was a long, desperate time in our house after that. Known colloquially as the "good cereal drought" for miles around, the box of pink flakes sat in our cupboard for months. They were, in fact, nasty. I am guessing we might have had the flakes in our cupboard long past the time that they discontinued making the flakes. 

Eventually, we could get sugared cereal again... After I showed my mom that there bugs in the cereal box, so I shouldn't eat that cereal even if I wanted to.

Sure, that was decades ago, but - as you can tell - I'm pretty much over it now.

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