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Wednesday, June 26, 2024


If you build a better mousetrap, you will catch better mice.
~ George Gobel
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The game Mousetrap is not as fun as it looks like it would be. But you forget that and then get it out and spend a couple of hours putting things together and play it for three minutes and remember. Then you spend another hour taking it apart and trying to make the pieces fit back in the box. You put it away and then eight months later see the box and think, "Why don't we ever play Mousetrap?" Then you decide to play it and an hour into re-assembling the game board you remember why you don't play it, but you've already invested all that time putting it together that you are determined to finish. So you do and you play it again for about 15 minutes. Then you take it apart and try to make it all fit back in the box again.

You do this for a few years until you get too old to play Mousetrap. Then a few years later, you see it and buy it for a friend's child or a niece or nephew or a grandchild or a stranger's kid because for some reason you got invited to a kid's birthday party even though you hardly know the kid or its parents. It's part of the progression of life.

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