Are we to paint what's on the face, what's inside the face or what's behind it?
~ Pablo Picasso
- - - - -My friend Suzy wrote something the other day about how there are a lot of assholes in the world. Some days A LOT, some days just some. (I'm paraphrasing. That's not how she said it).
She's right. There are a lot of assholes in the world doing a lot of rotten things. I don't know why they do the wrong things, and I don't know how they find peace in themselves when they do the wrong things. But they're here and they do and it's the way it is.
Some days I feel - like Suzy - that they are all around me. Even on good days, though… on good days when I feel like most people are good and are trying to do the best they know how… even on those days I feel like there's always at least one asshole following me around.