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Thursday, February 22, 2018


We've got to make sure we don't foul our own nest.
~ John Lithgow
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So, I drive around and look for interesting things and take photos of those things. This is an interesting thing I saw once. It was a fence line with a different birdhouse on every fencepost. And it got me to thinking...

1. If the early bird catches the worm but you are a bird that doesn't care about catching the worm, does it bother you - if you live in this particular neighborhood - when your neighbor's alarm goes off?

2. Who is the realtor for these places?

3. I wonder what the HOA fees are here.

4. Can a firebird live in one of these houses? If so, is that a permanent thing or short term? Also, does it affect the neighbors' property values?

5. If birdwatchers hung out around these, does it make them peeping toms?

6. Is a baby bird named Tom a peeping tom because of the sound it makes when it's a baby bird?

7. Blackbird singing in the dead of night is probably a menace around here, right?

8. I wonder if potential owners ever say, "I'd like to see a one bed, one birdbath with an eggcellent view."

9. When they visit each other, I wonder if they knock or wing the bell.

10. Standard furnishings include: catbird seat and nesting tables.

11. I bet the birds crack up when they walk past woodpeckers in the morning and greet them. And I be they time it just right so they say, "Morning wood...  pecker."

12. In the winter I bet they worry about their heating bills.

13. Do they use Grey Goose in their cockatiels?

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