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Thursday, January 23, 2014


With my last breath, I'll exhale my love for you.  
I hope it's a cold day, so you can see what you meant to me.
~ Jarod Kintz
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So, it has been a cold winter thus far.  That is what the Farmer's Almanac said was going to happen.  It definitely has been happening.  

This morning when I went to work it wasn't too bad.  I think maybe it was 7 degrees or something.  When I left campus, it was about 0 degrees and the wind had picked up, so I'm sure it felt colder.  I saw Maura and Elyse as they were headed across campus.  Maura reprimanded me for not having a hat on.

She was right.  It was too cold to be out without a hat.  I had a hat in my car, but that wasn't really helpful in that moment.  I should have been more prepared / organized.

Almost immediately after Maura said I should have had a hat on, a young man passed me wearing a t-shirt and shorts.  Mind you, it really was VERY cold.

"Maura!" I yelled.  I gestured at Mr. Frosty and added, "See?!  At least with me it's JUST a HAT!"  She and Elyse agreed that Mr. Frosty was less wise than I was.  Of course, that doesn't make me wise.  That just makes me less unwise.

Just like in the animal fables…  There's the wise old owl, but surely there must be a less wise old owl.  Or, wait…  No.  That's not the same.  They might both be wise.  In the case of Mr. Frosty and Michelle we might neither one be wise.

I also think that a TV show called "Mr. Frosty and Michelle" would be unwise.  That said, it might fare better than "Half-naked Backpack Boy and Icehead."  


Or maybe not.  I think we can all agree that either of those could potentially be successful kids' cartoon shows.  Which is not a negative commentary on children.  More a negative commentary on what we think children should be spending their time watching.

Of course, the moral of either show could be to dress appropriately for the weather.  Something apparently neither Snowshins nor I learned as children.