Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not;
remember that what you have now was once among the things
you only hoped for.
~ Epicurus
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I'm not sure why we dream what we dream. I think that things on our minds bubble up in the murkiness of things in our minds, but not on them. I think that the weird mixture creates a sort of memory milkshake. We don't always understand why the pieces come together the way they do.
Never mind. Dreams are never really all that interesting to anyone else. And they are kind of boring even to yourself after a day or so. But if they invented a bike where you could ride it into your dreams, I bet it would be pretty popular.
Know what they would name the bike?
You thought I was going to to say, "Dreamcycle," right?
No. Then people would confuse it with the ice cream treat.
They would name it the "Dream Chaser 3000." And they would use Eurythmics music to market it. I hope.