I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments,
when they aren't trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom.
~ Umberto Eco
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I think you can learn a lot from a father. I won't go into specifics because then it would have the potential to be about gender and might stir up a bunch of arguments because of the huge following my blog has. Like if I said you can learn to drive from a father, someone would say, "What?! You CAN'T learn to drive from a mother?!!" And that wouldn't be what I mean.
You can learn a lot from a father and a mother. And a grandmother. And an aunt. And a grandfather. And a neighbor. Or someone on the news. Or from a child. Or a slightly older child.
Let's face it, you just have a LOT to learn, okay?