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Wednesday, January 15, 2014


The wait is long, my dream of you does not end.
~ Nuala O'Faolain
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I think there is joy in waiting.  There is a perfection in the hope of something that the having of that something can never match.  Dreams are bigger than reality sometimes.

That said, however, the achievement or obtaining of one thing then opens the door to the dreaming and anticipation of another.  And I think we have an obligation to keep dreaming so that we can keep growing and the world can continue to aspire to be what it might be.

I don't mean it in a greedy or selfish or hoarding or envy sort of way.  Not all dreams are greedy.  Not all aspirations are selfish. If yours are, that's on you.  If mine are (and - truthfully - some of mine are), that's on me.  And we should strive to do better.

But maybe more important than us dreaming and aspiring for things for ourselves...  Maybe more important that what we want to achieve...  Maybe the focus should be on how we can help others achieve their dreams.  If we work together and share our goals and aspirations, maybe everyone can have what s/he wants. If we are vulnerable enough to give sound and voice and words to our hopes, maybe we can make one another's hopes come true.

I'll show you mine if you show me yours.