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Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I think college administrators should encourage students to urinate on walls and bushes because then when students from another college come sniffing around they'll know this is someone else's territory.
~ Jack Handy
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Somehow Joe and Sara and I got on the topic of Slim Jims hidden in Sara's office.  Don't ask how.  Or why.  Is it because I can't remember?  Maybe.  Maybe I just don't want you nosing around and asking me a lot of questions right now.  

Anyway, this happened...

Joe:  No, she doesn't [have Slim Jims in her office].  I would have found them when I was putting more eye tape around her office.

Me:  Good point.  And we would have smelled it by now, too.  I know Slim Jims are hermetically sealed or whatever, but still...

Sara:  He would have sniffed it out like a dog.  Or a vulture.  Or a fly.

Me:  Or a snake.

Joe:  Thank you.  (pause)  Or A BAT, man.

Sara:  Or a lamb.  Or a bunny.

Me:  Or a fish.  Or a whale.  Or a ladybug.

Joe:  I'm just saying...  a Bat.  Man.

Sara:  Or a pink fairy armadillo.  (she provided an image of said creature)

Me:  Can I say that when I read this before I saw the photo, I thought you were doing hate speech?!

Joe:  Armadillos are a protected species, Sara!

Sara:  Are you fishing for complements?

Me:  Or compliments?

Sara:  Potato potetoe.

Me:  Yes, exactly.

Sara:  TOTALLY crying.

Me:  Technically, that makes you a baby.

Sara:  A nice way to start the day.

Me:  Agreed.

Joe:  This usually works:  If you want to cry, go to your room, otherwise sit down for family dinner.

Sara:  No.

Me:  How much time do you spend in your room, Joe?

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