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Monday, June 9, 2014


For they two (Love and Strife) were before and shall be, nor yet, I think, will there ever be an unutterably time without them both.
~ Empedocles
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Sara and Joe bicker a lot.  Almost always good-naturedly (I think).  Joe has a talent for identifying things that annoy Sara and doing those things.  Repeatedly.  

Recently, Joe started using "technically" all the time.  Then it was "thus."  Sara does a pretty good job of using her words when Joe annoys her.  And Joe does a pretty good job of disregarding those words.

A recent exchange....

Sara:  I vote Joe stops using the words THUS or THUSLY or THUSFORE or any derivatives of "THUS."

Joe:  Henceforeth I shan't use such prodigious vocabulary as it perplexes thy feeble mind.

Me:  What if he wants to listen to THUS Spoke ZaraTHUStra?

Sara:  Here-to-fore I shall dub you modern day Empedocles.

I think she meant Joe is Empedocles, but I'm not sure.  I also am not sure which of "they two" is Love and which is Strife.  But I have a pretty good guess.

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