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Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Any idea, plan or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
~ Napoleon Hill
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Ideas are so important.  Without ideas we can't be successful, can we?  Hm.  I'm not sure.  I mean, I guess it depends on how one defines success.  I suppose some one could define success in a way that requires the successful person not to have any ideas.  I don't think I would define success in that way.  Like they say, "You can't spell accomplished without 'i, d, e, and a' not necessarily in that order."  Actually, not many people say that.  But they should.
Anyway, I was going through old email the other day and I came across an email I sent myself.  Here it is:
Subject: really good idea day
“Get a Room!” campaign for residence hall recontracting
Attach a tiny straw to a blow horn and give it to the next person who asks for some compressed air

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