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Tuesday, August 31, 2021


The man who can't visualize a horse galloping on a tomato is an idiot.
~ Andre Breton
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So this summer we are having some luck with our tomatoes. However, I have one tomato plant that I was especially proud of. I think it is nearly six feet tall. It is green and huge and beautiful. However, while it has blooms, it has no tomatoes. The other plants are all three feet or under and all have multiple tomatoes on them. The smallest plant in fact probably has more than a dozen tomatoes on it.

I did some looking at found out that you don't really want a six or seven foot tall tomato plant. When they get that big all the energy and nutrients and water go to support the stems, stalks, leaves, etc. and there isn't enough left over for the fruit.

That made me think about how people are kind of like that. There are some that stand out and put on a great show and get a lot of attention, but actually produce nothing. Then there are the less eye-grabbing and attention-seeking people who do the work and actually produce things as a result.

So, I pruned the giant tomato plant in hopes that it will be more productive. In the same way, when I see unproductive people I will "prune" them. I mean, not literally. 

Probably not literally. 

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