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Sunday, October 31, 2021


Nature is a haunted house - - but Art - - is a house that tries to be haunted.

~ Emily Dickinson

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 Last year I took Lily for a walk on Halloween. I was thinking when we started out, "I hope I see a photo that I can post to celebrate Halloween." Then we saw this place. It was when we were walking around the Anderson, SC events center site. I didn't know it was there. Sometimes when you want something you just have to wish it or think it or pay attention for it. 

Of course, if this works for only one thing, I'd maybe not have it be haunted houses. I mean, that's a cool gift to have, but there might be other things you'd maybe rather wish into existence that could be more useful on a regular basis than haunted houses.

Saturday, October 30, 2021


"This image no longer available."
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I was looking for a quote about ghosts and among the images with ghost quotes I found the quote above. Does it mean that there was once an image with a ghost quote? If so, it's like a double-ghost quote. The ghost quote and what is left after the ghost quote is gone.

I don't know if that means anything to you. I don't know if it means anything to me. I just thought it was interesting. 

I could be wrong.

Friday, October 29, 2021


Welcome to the Hall of Fantasy. Welcome to the radio series of radio dramas dedicated to the supernatural, the unusual, and the unknown. Come with me, my friends. We shall descend to the world of the unknown and forbidden... down the depths where the veil of time is lifted and the supernatural reigns as king! Come with me and listen to the tale of...
~ Opening from radio show The Hall of Fantasy
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The Hall of Fantasy is an old timey radio show that had scary stories on it. I think it aired in the 1940s. I listened to reruns of it when I was kid. It was on some Des Moines radio station in the 1970s and/or 1980s. I think it was on Sunday nights.

The only story I remember from The Hall of Fantasy is "Dance of the Devil Dolls." It is terrifying.

It would be terrifying if it was just called "Dance of the Dolls" but DEVIL makes it scarier. It would be scary if it was just called "Dolls" but dolls dancing is scarier. 

Also, I'm really scared of dolls. Which is ironic because I love Dolly Parton.

Thursday, October 28, 2021


Creativity takes courage.
~ Henri Matisse
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I know an artist with a birthday today. She is courageous. She is creative. She does not paint brass instruments on walls -- though I imagine she could if she wanted to. I also think she'd love playing with that lift thing. If she ever gets one, I hope I get to play with it too. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021


God made the world round so that we would never be able to see too far down the road.
~ Isak Dinesen
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You can see amazing things when you are driving, but you should mostly keep looking at the road. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Touch has a memory.
~ Jack Keats
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When your dog is tired and sleeping, but rests her paw on your leg... that's a pretty great feeling. Or when your dog is awake and rests her paw on your leg. Or when your dog rests her head on your leg. Or her tail.

Basically, it's good to be close to a dog.

Monday, October 25, 2021


The drive for happiness is vital; it's what keeps us in motion.
~ Richard Gere
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Other things keep us in motion, too. Legs. Our minds. Sled dogs. a bear chasing us. But maybe all of those things are synonyms for happiness. Going on a walk makes us happy. Riding a sled makes us happy. Not being eaten by a bear makes us happy.

Sunday, October 24, 2021


The discontented man finds no easy chair.
~ Benjamin Franklin
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No easy chair. No easy job. No easy relationship. 
Change your ways discontented man. 
Or if you don't, please don't sit next to me. I don't like sitting next to discontented people who don't try to make things better.

Actually, I'm usually content sitting next to an empty chair no matter who you are.

Saturday, October 23, 2021


Hares have no time to read. They are too busy winning the game.
~ Anita Brookner
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I just read over the menu of Hare & Field Public Eatery, and if you're looking for rabbit stew, they don't have it. They don't have any food with rabbit or hare in it. I bet it's because they don't want a lot of people coming in and joking, "I just found a hare in my soup." Or, "There's a hare on this sandwich." 

I mean, it might be funny once, but it would get old after a while.

Also, hares and rabbits aren't the same and it would be annoying with people making that mistake day after day.

So, I get why they have... wait. I just realized they closed this restaurant.

Never mind.

Friday, October 22, 2021


Sickness comes on horseback but departs on foot.
~ Dutch Proverb
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Last summer Lily had an upper respiratory thing. Then I got a cold or the flu right after. I went and got COVID tested, so it wasn't that. Then I went and checked to see if I could get a cough from Lily. I guess I can't. It's sort of weird to get sick during a pandemic, but not with the pandemic sickness. 

However, you can rearrange the letters to spell "Camped In" which is what you should do during a pandemic. Unless you want it to last forever. I guess that's what some people want. 


Thursday, October 21, 2021


The truth is a rabbit in a bramble patch. All you can do it circle around and say, "It's in there somewhere."
~ Pete Seeger
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This photo reminds me of that old saying, "Find a rabbit on a post and that home houses a great host." Apparently the old people who lived on the farm where I saw this forgot that saying, though. They said no when I asked if I could live there for a while.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Anyone who claims to be a leader must speak like a leader. That means speaking with integrity and truth.
~ Kamala Harris
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One night I dreamt that President Biden wanted Leslie to be his Vice President. I'm not sure what VP Harris was doing. Anyway, as a part of the vetting process, the president wanted to meet me and I got a lot of feedback from people about what it would be like for me if Leslie became the Vice President.

I woke up earlier than I wanted, but didn't try to go back to sleep because Leslie becoming the Vice President was exhausting for me.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


 When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago.
~ Friedrich Nietzsche
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This quote is so very true for me. I find that when I'm tired I either look up nemeses from my past to see how they are doing OR I look at puppies for adoption. Neither of these things is smart to do when I am tired.

Monday, October 18, 2021


If everything is under control, you're not going fast enough.
~ Mario Andretti
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Quotes taken out of context can have different meanings. We see that all the time. The quote above is kind of funny, interesting, etc. However, I think it has a different meaning when I tell you that I found it on the Tampa Hillsborough Expressway web site. Why would they put that quote there? What it means when it is IN context is that someone else should be managing the quotes section of that website I think.


Sunday, October 17, 2021


What a lot we lost when we stopped writing letters. 
You can't re-read a phone call.
~ Liz Carpenter
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Liz has obviously never requested a transcript of a wire tapping from her home.

Saturday, October 16, 2021


The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul.
~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf
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You know, they say the human brain isn't fully developed until you're in your 20s or something. Usually I hear that comment used as a complaint about kids or young adults. Really though, what is also or differently true is that old people's brains are rigid. They are shaped by the constraints of society and then can't grow in new ways. They tend to have the same old ideas with slightly different names. Kids are the real creators.

I mean, I don't know this based on science - just decades of observation.

Friday, October 15, 2021


A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green.
~ Francis Bacon
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Me: Are they green as in unhealed or green as in infected?

Francis Bacon: Does it matter?

Me: Great point.

Francis Bacon: That is why my work made such an important contribution to the scientific method and yours has not.

Me: Also because that was a long time ago and I was only born a little bit ago - in the scheme of things.

Francis Bacon: Whatever. I am not amused by your feeble excuses.

Me: Also, I was wondering... Did people used to tease you because your name is "BACON"?

Francis Bacon: NO. Because bacon is awesome and everyone loves it.

Me: Really?

Francis Bacon: (lip quivering) Yes, really!

Me: I would think they would would have taunted you a lot. Like doing that sing-songy thing... "Fran... cis...  Ba... con..." Or "Hey, Francis Bacon - where are your friends Tomato and Lettuce?" Or "What's that smell? Oh, it's you Francis Bacon. You smell like bacon."

Francis Bacon:  (tearing up) STOP IT! I'm not talking to you anymore! This conversation is OVER. For now. You just wait though...

Me: "A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green."

Francis Bacon: SHUT UP. I HATE YOU. 

Thursday, October 14, 2021


But humans drive the cars and decide when dogs eat and where dogs live and clearly this was something else in their power - the could find their dogs when they needed them.
~ W. Bruce Cameron
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Of the dogs I have had in my life, their happiest moments are when they are on an adventure. Could be learning something new, exploring something new, eating something new.

For Lily it is exploring and having an adventure. On a trip this fall Leslie was getting ready to go on a hike. Lily went over to her leash and harness twice and nudged them with her nose. She was telling Leslie, "I would like to go along if I may, Leslie."

Leslie got in the car and drove away. It was her way of saying, "No. You may not go."


Wednesday, October 13, 2021


One who looks outside dreams. One who looks inside awakens.
~ Carl Jung
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Barns are like books. You can't judge them by the outside.


Okay, well sure. You CAN judge them but --


Fine. Do whatever you want. I'm not the boss of you.


Why do you always have to be like that?!

Tuesday, October 12, 2021


Now and then in travel, something unexpected happens that transforms the whole nature of the trip and stays with the traveler.
~ Paul Theroux
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I love this quote. I have found it to be true on many occasions. Like the time we were at a cabin. Leslie was off on a hike and Lily and I were playing and then went back to the cabin to relax. I was taking in the sounds of the birds, the breeze through the trees, Lily's breathing, and the frogs down by the river. 

Then I heard "Low Rider" by War playing gently on the breeze. 

Monday, October 11, 2021


Mailboxes do more than just hold your mail for you.
~ Home Depot
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No. Really that is all they do for me.

Sunday, October 10, 2021


You write your life story by the choices you make. You never know if you've made a mistake.
~ Helen Mirren
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 This post was tentatively titled "Cow BBQ." I most always use one word titles, but I wasn't sure if I would want this one to be about cows or BBQ - thus the tentative title. What is interesting is that the BBQ place seemed to focus more on pork BBQ than beef. 


Maybe that's not actually that interesting after all.

Saturday, October 9, 2021


I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made.
~ Franklin Delano Roosevelt
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I know that "History's Mysteries" already exists, but I have some ideas for other types of mysteries:

Consistories Mysteries
Blistery Mysteries
Listerine Mysteries
Sister-y Mysteries
Contradictory Mysteries
Jittery Mysteries
Miss Turrie's Mysteries
Mister E's Mysteries
Ms. Stirry's Mysteries (this one is about a woman who makes a lot of 
                   soups and the show includes a recipe in each episode)
Misery Mysteries
Mystery Misery
Mister Mister

These could all be podcasts or TV shows, but I think they'd be best as books. I think if we got together and wrote them the book of love would open up and let us in.


I know there are very few people in the world who will understand that, but they deserve to feel special sometimes, too, so shut up.

Friday, October 8, 2021


I'm in love with cities I've never been to and people I've never met.
~ Melody Truong
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I enjoy the simple things in life. Things like traveling around the world with a lot of money someone gave me to make my traveling more simple.

Simplicity really is beautiful.


Thursday, October 7, 2021


Sit here,
so I may write
you into a poem
and make you eternal.
~ Kamand Kojouri
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This sign is interesting to me. What does it mean? Rolling swivel chairs for sale? Rolling swivel chairs exist? Beware of rolling swivel chairs? Is it the name of a club? What would a "Rolling Swivel Chairs Club" do? Chair races? Chair design? Perhaps go bowling? 

Life is full of so many great, fun, and fascinating mysteries.

For many of you, this is not one of them.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021


He would say that God had given him a tail to keep the flies off, but he would sooner have had no tail and no flies.
~ George Orwell
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The donkey made its way slowly out of the fog. It had been quite an adventure. He knew he would likely never see the old tinkerer again unless his experiment of changing himself into a robot was a success. 


The donkey knew he would never see the old tinkerer again.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.
~ Janet Kilburn Phillips
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 The contraction for "lettuce" is "let's".

Monday, October 4, 2021


Artists are two-headed calves.
~ Truman Capote
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I bet there are some one-headed calves out there who could make some pretty good art, too. You see, two heads are NOT always better than one. Like if you're in a lettuce-eating contest and you have two heads of lettuce left and your competitor only has one head of lettuce left.

Sunday, October 3, 2021


The century of airplanes has a right to its own music.
~ Claude Debussy
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Sometimes when I get up really early in the morning, I go outside to look at the stars. Sometimes I see an airplane. It might be like 5:00 a.m. That's early. And I look at the plan flying in the sky and I think about the people on it. I wonder, "Are they having peanuts or pretzels?" I hope peanuts because that seems more breakfast-y to me, but I'm not the boss of them.

Then I go to see if we have any Lucky Charms left.

Saturday, October 2, 2021


                              The wind is cold;
                                 through the torn paper screen
                                    the moon of October.
~ Sokan
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I dreamt I was trapped in a home improvement store and decided to write a story about being trapped in a home improvement store but I couldn't find a pen or paper.

Friday, October 1, 2021


Don't shoot what it looks like. 
Shoot what it feels like.
~ David Alan Harvey
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Me: Ezra. Hey, Ezra. Ezra. Look at me for just a minute so I can take your picture. Look right at me. With your face at me. Okay?

Ezra: (does above)

Me: *click!*

Sometimes you take a picture and sometimes a picture takes you.