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Monday, April 29, 2013


We are all apprentices in a craft where no on ever becomes a master.
~ Ernest Hemingway
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I like thinking teambuilders.  I don't like teambuilders that require you to touch other people, but engaging mentally with others is okay to me.

For example, there is an exercise called "Life Craft."  In it, you have a list of about 12 people at a craft show.  You have to determine which people you let into the bomb shelter you've made.  There is only room for 6 people.  You have to make decisions based on what you know about each person.  I don't remember all the specifics, but I'll try to recollect the descriptors.

Alice - makes snowmen out of cotton balls                  Amber - Uses pages from old books to make origami
Alan - creates SPAM sculptures                                 Alfred - Paints Batman on coconuts
Ardyss - glass blower                                                 Abrahaim - whittles sticks into Lincoln Logs
Axel - paints farm scenes on old saws                         Arvid - does dry flower arrangements
Azriel - does paint-by-number pictures of kittens         Aphid - draws sad clowns
Andora - makes sweaters                                           Alex - draws happy clowns

The point is not to choose the "best" or "worst" people to let into the craft show bomb shelter.  The point is to see how the team works together to make decisions.  Plus it's clear that Aphid and Alex are the worst people to let in the bomb shelter.

Wait.  It might be called the "Bomb Shelter" exercise.  Or the "Life Raft" exercise.  Or the "Life Boat" exercise.  What it is NOT called is "The Human Knot."

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