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Sunday, April 21, 2013


We will not wait for the winds to quit blowing, 
we won't wait for the sky to turn blue.
~ Craig Fugate
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The first time I flew after I defended my dissertation, I was reading the in-flight magazine.  In it I saw a reference to Warren Bennis whom I had cited several times in my research.  I thought that was very strange.  First, I don't always read the in-flight magazine.  Second, I don't always read the entire in-flight magazine.  Third, what are the chances that someone in a dissertation about organizational development and a teaching and learning conference would be in the in-flight magazine?

Also, the name of the magazine is "Sky."  So I kept having "Warren Bennis in the Sky with Diamonds" going through my head.  When I try to think of the actual song, I think of "Judy in the Sky with Diamonds."  But then I realize that I think it's really "Judy in Disguise."  And then I realize it's "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."

Now John Lennon wrote the song.  It supposedly was a drug song since Lucy Sky Diamonds... LSD.  Later Elton John recorded it and it went to number one.  The thing I think people keep forgetting, though, is that if Elton John and John Lennon got married, Elton John's name could have possibly become "Elton John-Lennon."  Or "Reginald Dwight-Lennon."

So really, if you think about it, there is a lot of stuff to think about.

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