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Monday, October 22, 2018


If you knew what I know about the power of giving, you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way.
~ Buddha
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I agree that when you share a meal, you share more than food. You share time and attention and create memories that you will continue to share. If you eat in someone's home, they share (or you share) parts of their lives and their worlds that make up where they feel safe and spend much of their time.

If you eat in a restaurant you share the bill. Then it's a pain because they will want to split it evenly and all you had was the free bread and a small soup instead of a steak and lobster and you don't think you should have to pay the same amount. So fine, whatever, people pay for their own, but then you see that the steak and lobster people aren't leaving a tip and you feel obliged to make up for it because the server was really good even though the steak and lobster people had to do thirteen substitutions and special requests.

Sometimes I prefer just to eat by myself.

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