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Thursday, August 6, 2020

Jokes, 2

The gods too are fond of a joke.
~ Aristotle
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This is why 13-year-olds don't hang out with their grandparents a lot.


Kid: Want to hear a joke?

Grandma & Grandpa: Sure!

Grandma: Who doesn't love a joke?

Kid: Okay, so there's a green glass door --

Grandma: Why's it green? Why couldn't it be yellow? Or blue?

Kid: Because it's a GREEN GLASS DOOR.

Grandpa: Go on.

Kid: So a tree can go in the door, but a branch can't. The moon can go in the door, but the sun can't. Cheese can go in the door, but milk can't. What's the rule for getting in the door?

Grandpa: (immediately) I don't know.

Grandma: The things have to be growing to go in the door. 

Kid: What?! No.

Grandma: Like cheese can grow mold and a tree can grow and the moon -- wait. 

Kid: It's because things with two letters the same in a row can go in. trEE. mOOn. chEEse.

Grandma: Oh. Well, I didn't even think of that. Isn't it great how we all bring different things to our thinking? This is a great conversation starter.

(Kid sits silently for about 15 minutes after that.)

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