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Monday, December 13, 2021


Just start by creating your day. Then create your life.
~ Prince
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So if you ever get a book that looks like a kid's book for your nephew and it is about Prince, a couple of things:

1. Cool. Prince has some great music.
2. Prince didn't worry about conformity. That is a good message for kids to get.
3. Prince was very creative. It's good to inspire creativity.
4. Returning back to item #1, many of Prince's songs aren't really kid songs. Knowing this you should probably read the book before you send it to your nephew. Then when your brother asks if you were the one who sent your nephew the book and texts you some pages from the book one of which has the title "X is for X-Rated" you should be fully prepared to say that, "No. It wasn't me. It was John B. Nutting who sent Zak that book."

I don't know any of this first-hand. Just suggesting some ideas.

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