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Friday, December 4, 2009


Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill.
Keep sharpening your knife and it will blunt.
~ Lao Tzu


This is a singing bowl that I have. I wanted one for a long time. You use the wooden thing (which probably has a name, but I call it "wooden thing") and when you stir it around the outside rim of the top of the bowl, the bowl's vibrations sing.

The purpose of the bowl is to clear away bad energy and to make spaces safer and cleaner and healthier. I have thought about bringing it into work or places where I'm doing projects to put good energy into the environment. And then I have imagined someone walking in on me and reporting me for using a singing bowl or being weirded out by the singing bowl.

I don't think our culture is really ready for 8th Century A.D. Tibetan technology.


  1. I think one of these could be very useful at work!

  2. you can also call in a guy who can detect the "earth waves" (i'm translating from danish - jordstråling) and tell you where to place your furniture and especially your bed, based on where those waves are coming up in your house. you have to pay him quite a ridiculous sum of money for this, but it's very entertaining. and he might give you legitimate reason for using your tibetan bowl thingie...
