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Friday, February 24, 2017


What an elder sees sitting; the young can't see standing.
~ Gustave Flaubert
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I think a good idea for a show would be watching the Supreme Court justices chatting. Not debating cases necessarily. Rather, I picture them sitting coffee shops or on porches or visiting each other and sitting in their offices or on their sofas.

They might talk about courty stuff, but they might talk about music or books or movies or TV. They might talk about the latest FB quizzes they have taken or family events. Basically, they would just be spending time getting to know each other.

By extension, we would also get to know about them beyond their decisions or the made up ignorant stuff that people write about them. We could see them as people. Just people hanging out and chatting.

I would call the show "The Social Justices."

And I would probably be one of three or four regular viewers.

I can't wait!

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