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Wednesday, April 19, 2017


It occurs to me that we allow ourselves to imagine 
only such messages as we need to survive.
~ Joan Didion
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In one of my former work-lives I had a colleague who - after a string of brilliant, funny, fun, creative, energizing exchanges of non-workish stuff over our work listserv (in which she chose not to participate, but was CCd, anyway) asked if we could create a second email list for "fun" things and leave one for "work" things.

I was annoyed.

And also confused - should work and fun not be the same things? At least as often as possible?

Anyway, I found this message recently that I had sent out to all of the staff. I am not sure if it was before or after the request was made:

On NPR this week I learned that female cheetahs are attracted to Obsession for Men by Calvin Klein. If you are planning a trip to the cheetah-lands of the world, you might want to wear it (they like it) or not (if you don't want them rubbing up against you).

So... what list does something like THIS go on, smarty??!

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