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Wednesday, April 26, 2017


The from far away across the world he smelled good things to eat, so he gave up being king of the wild things.
~ Maurice Sendak
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My dad did this thing where he scraped his plate.  He scraped every last little bitlet of food off of his plate.  Sometimes this meant he wanted someone to offer to pass him more food.  Other times it meant he is done.  Anyway, it used to annoy me as a child.

Then, I discovered that I do the same thing.  It has to be environmental, right?  There can’t be a genetic marker for plate scraping, can there?  Well, regardless, the good news is that I don’t do it all of the time.  I only do it at one particular time.  When I am eating chocolate pudding out of one of those little pudding cup things.  Because there should be just one more bite of chocolate pudding before it’s gone.  There isn’t, but if I scrape the sides enough, there almost is.

And then there's Aurora. She wasn't at the point where she was using utensils much when this photo was taken. But isn't she cute?

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