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Monday, November 1, 2010


I am a typed director. If I made Cinderella,
the audience would immediately be looking
for a body in the coach.
~ Alfred Hitchcock
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How can you tell the photo above is NOT Cinderella? There are several cues:

1. The outfit is fairly color-coordinated. Pretty sure Cinderella just had rags that probably were mismatched.

2. While Elizabeth is barefoot, she DOES have on a colorful ankle bracelet. "That could be an electronic monitoring device!" you might say. Fine, smarty. But they didn't have electronic monitoring ankle bracelets in Cinderella-times.

3. K-Mart bag. No K-Marts in Cinderella times. Unless there was a store owned by royalty called "King Mart" that the serfs referred to as "K-Mart." But even if such a place existed, I bet they didn't have plastic bags.

4. Cinderella isn't real. Duh.

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