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Wednesday, January 11, 2017


I really just want to be warm yellow light 
that pours over everyone I love.
~ Conor Oberst
- - - - -

Yellow light.
Blue light.
Orange light.
Gray light.

I am often drawn to light when I take photos. Well, I may in all honesty be drawn to shadow. The contrast between the light and the dark is fascinating to me. The more interesting things are often not what we see but what remains hidden.

Like surprises in life. Surprises in each day. Like - when you were a child - and there was a surprise hidden in your cereal.

Of course those things didn't stay hidden for long because you dumped out all the cereal to get whatever was in there. You took what was in darkness and moved it into the light. Then you shoved it in your pocket - from darkness to light, to darkness again.

In that way the cereal toy is a symbol of life. 

And what if it was in Life cereal? That would be mind-blowing! 


Except they didn't have toys in Life cereal.

Anyway... yellow.

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