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Thursday, February 1, 2018


I'm not a hoarder, I'm a collector; if you have something you like, every time you see it you have a little happy hit.
~ Douglas Coupland
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"Well, we have to honor him," declared the mayor. "After all he was a member of one of the pioneer families in this region." 

"I concur," bellowed Councilman Lyon. "After all he did for the trees in this area - he deserves a marker in commemoration of his contributions."

"But what about the collection?" asked the County Recorder. "I mean... dare we mention that he collected --"

"The collection," stated Councilman Lyon firmly, "Can be acknowledged, but not named."

And so, they designated him a "collector" but did not share what it was he collected. It helped many rest easy. It helped many maintain their high levels of vigilance. One could call it win-win, but only if one didn't know all the details of the situation. 

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