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Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I like a teacher who gives you something
to take home to think about besides homework.
~ Lily Tomlin
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So, this is the school project of which I am most proud. Maddie had to make a model of a cell. We talked about different ways she might do it. She finally decided that she would make a cake, cut it so it resembled a cell, frost it, and design it with the parts of a cell. She did it all herself, I just helped her brainstorm ideas. We got an A on it.

We also just got an A on her Islam in Spain project. Again, I just helped her with ideas and she did the work. Trust me, I'm a judicial affairs professional. I know those lines between helping and academic misconduct.

As I said, I'm really just an idea person. I don't like to do any actual work.

1 comment:

  1. That cake looks amazing . . . but I might not be able to stomach it knowing it's a . . . gulp . . . cell. Way to go Maddie! And way to go Michelle for doing no work at all-you haven't changed! :) Ha ha-just kidding . . . I knew Ripley always knew how to make you do your job well.
