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Friday, April 9, 2010


"No matter how far life pushes you down, no matter how much you hurt,
you can always bounce back."
~ Sheryl Swoopes


So, the day after Thanksgiving, we got up at 3 a.m. to buy a trampoline. You will be shocked to find out that there was not a huge rush on trampolines in late November in Iowa.

We "hid" the trampoline in the garage under a green tarp from November until April. The girls didn't look under the tarp. We didn't tell them NOT to (or they would have). They are remarkably uncurious about things in the garage.

On Easter Sunday, Chris came home from her mom and dad's and we showed the girls the trampoline box. They were very excited. Then, it was getting late, so they had to go to bed.

It rained for two days and we were not able to put up the trampoline.

On the next day, Chris and I came home from work and Elizabeth had cleaned the house. Elizabeth then asked very nicely if we could put together the trampoline. There were storm warnings and wind advisories, but it was impossible to say no since she had tried so hard to get everything ready.

It's a lot easier to put together a trampoline than you might think.

Chris: Elizabeth, I want to tell you a story about a little girl who always wanted a trampoline, but never got one. Even though she wanted one SO MUCH.

Elizabeth: Was that little girl YOU, Mama?

Chris: YES, Elizabeth!! YES it WAS ME! And now we have trampoline all our own!

1 comment:

  1. And now you can take pictures of the children in a cage! Bonus!
