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Thursday, April 24, 2014


People are always complaining that life's not fair, but that simply isn't true.  Life is extraordinarily fair.  It's just not centered on you.
~ Lynn Marie Sager
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We forget that we are all tangential to the central focus of life.  Things happen to us.  We encounter obstacles or setbacks.  We don't get what we want or what we expect.  But what we want or expect may not be aligned with the ultimate focus of the world.  The center of the universe may have a different priority.  It's not about us.

It's all about Sally.

I learned that a long time ago.  There are two pieces to this philosophy, as I understand it.

1. It's all about Sally.
2. Suck it up.

All questions and dissatisfactions we experience can be answered by  one of these two pieces.  A few examples...

* You want to wait to make a decision, but Sally needs a decision today.  Item 1.
* You can't find your wallet.  Item 2.
* You don't understand why the world seems to be against you.  Item 2.
* Your phone rings during a meeting with the Chief of Police.  It's Sally.  Item 1.
* Your phone rings during a meeting with Sally.  It's the Chief of Police.  Item 1.
* Your phone rings during a presentation Sally is doing.  Item 1.
* Your phone is broken.  Item 2.

So, basically, if you think that the world doesn't care about you, remember #1 then do #2.

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