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Thursday, November 13, 2014


My grandmother is over 80 and still doesn't need glasses.  Drinks right out of the bottle.
~ Henny Youngman
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I think we need to be grateful for what we have.  The glass half full or half empty...  Half full is better.  There are lots of things that could happen which could be worse than our current situations.  For instance, recently when in Pittsburgh at the library, I looked out the window and saw a kid being driven somewhere in the back of the Duquesne police SUV vehicle.  Maybe they were just giving him a ride.  Maybe not.  I just know that I'm happier being here writing this than I would be being "transported" anywhere. 
Or "trainspotted" somewhere.  Did you see that movie?  I don't want to have to deal with that.  I don't want to have to be in squalor (which is a beautifully perfect word - much more beautiful than "dirty" or "encrusted."  Kudos to whoever created it) or to be a heroin addict. 
If you are addicted to female superheros or protagonists are you a heroine addict? 
Anyway, I don't think you should brag and say, "My cup runneth over" because it means that you're bad at pouring things and why brag about that?

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