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Thursday, February 26, 2015


Happy is the soul that has a friend.  Happier is the soul that trusts in the truth of the heart of a friend.  Happiest is the soul that knows the solemnity of friendship and honors its laws.
~ Ogwo David Emineke
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So when I find photos I want to use in my blog, I put them in here in draft form.  I used to just do that.  Then I ended up with so many photos that I needed a system to figure out what they were without having to open every draft I had.  So now I give each one a tentative title.  I put photos on at different times.  Often I forget what photo I have put with a given title.

All I can see in draft form is the title.  I just opened this draft.  This one was titled, "Friend."  

It made me smile when I saw it.

This was in West Virginia when we took a hike around a lake at Pipestem.  We heard the ice creaking several times while we were there.  It was warmish in the sun and coolish in the shade.  There were some icy spots, but nothing too bad.  

It was a good day.

This is a good friend.

Everyone should have a good friend.  And you don't have to hike around a lake with your friend, you can do other things with her.  You could do macrame or clean chicken coops or eat black licorice.  If those are things you love to do, I hope you find someone with whom to do those things.  

And also, don't ask me to be your friend and do those things.  I might be your friend, but I really don't want to do those things.  And I really don't want to just "hang out" after you clean your chicken coop, okay?

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