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Monday, March 28, 2016


This society is driven by neurotic speed and force accelerated by greed and frustration of not being able to live up to the image of men and women we have created for ourselves; the image has nothing to do with the reality of people.
~ Yoko Ono
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Image and imagination... Creativity. What we carry in our heads is not always what is real. Or what others see. Or what others carry in their heads. It's important to get to know people to understand what their images are - what their imaginations create.

Not that we can ever fully understand them. That's not the point. Maybe the point is to understand them enough to know that we are different and that is okay.

If you and I both draw a picture of a tree - it's going to look different. And that's okay. Sometimes it's because we actually see the tree differently. Other times maybe it's because one of us has more skill drawing trees than the other one of us. Or maybe one of us cares about the act of drawing the tree less than the other.

You see this all the time when people post photos of themselves and their friends at those "drink wine and paint art" events. Seriously, some of those people seem to be better at drinking wine than painting art.


My point is... it's  nice when you see good art. And understand people. And when you win money.

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