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Monday, March 21, 2016


If you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, you are looking the wrong way.
~ Barry Commoner
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Leslie and I "hiked" to the Stumphouse Tunnel a few weeks ago. I say "hiked" in quotation marks because it was really more of a short walk from our car to the tunnel. They only got part way through and then quit because it was too hard to make a tunnel through a granite mountain with hand tools. 

A lot of motivational speakers and quotes will encourage you to keep going when things are really hard. To work your way through challenges. To be determined and focused and to never give up.

I do not concur. Sometimes you need to quit because sometime that thing you are trying to do is unreasonable. Maybe don't try to chisel a tunnel through a granite mountain. Maybe instead invent a hovercraft to go over the mountain.

It's as easy at that.

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