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Sunday, May 24, 2015


Siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring - quite often the hard way.
~ Pamela Dugdale
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Michael and David make me laugh.  Probably much more importantly Michael and David make Michael and David laugh.  I'm sure they've made each other cry at times or angry, but they mostly make each other laugh.
I was telling Jessica about when the song "The Coat of Many Colors" made Leslie cry.  I know this seems like a tangent, but stay with me, I'll bring it back.  And - in all fairness - "The Coat of Many Colors" is a sad song about how mean children and grown up children can sometimes be.
Anyway, I asked Jessica if she had ever heard the song.  She said, no.  She didn't think she'd heard that song.  So I started describing how Dolly Parton had written it about a box of rags -- then Jessica cut me off.
"Yes!" she said.  "'The Coat of Many Colors.'  I've heard that song."  I was confused, but figured she forgot about it until I explained the concept.
Then she added, "I thought you asked if I'd heard of the song 'The Co-Dependent Brothers'!"

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