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Tuesday, February 26, 2013


If you do not expect the unexpected, you will not find it, for it is not to be reached by search or trail.
~ Heraclitus
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So, when you go out and are driving around looking for interesting things and you see a giant red hand on a farm on a gravel road kind of not near anything, you can't help but go check it out.  Because while you were hoping to see interesting things and even "expecting the unexpected," this wasn't on your list.  And surpassed your hopes and dreams.

Then you drive up the driveway and get closer and can't tell if the red hand is pointing you toward some sort of antique venue or if it is luring you into some sort of trap.  You get close enough to take a photo, but then you think that you probably are trespassing - even if there wasn't a no trespassing sign.  And you could argue that the hand beckoned you.

You second guess things.

You snap a few photos and then you drive away before an angry landowner or a nice landowner's angry dog can confront you.

At least that's what you do if you're me.  

Because you don't want to get caught...  What's that saying?  Oh that's right. I think I remember how it goes.  "Don't get caught...
doing something you shouldn't be doing."

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