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Sunday, May 15, 2016


When ill luck begins, it does not come in sprinkles, but in showers.
~ Mark Twain
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I don't know if I believe in luck or not.  No, wait.  I guess I do.  If you are lucky to be born in a certain place or time or into a certain family or demographic group, you certainly have an easier go of it.  If not -- well, it's not just that things might be a little harder, there are things that are probably or at least nearly insurmountable.

But we probably shouldn't be talking about "luck." We should probably be talking about...  Well, I'm not sure - sunrises? Kittens? Smiles? I was trying to come up with something that everyone likes, but there are some people who don't like everything. I mean.. everything there is, there is probably at least one person who doesn't like that thing.

Except me. Pretty much everyone likes me. And if they don't, well that's unfortunate. Which is a synonym for unlucky. And thus I have brought this blog full circle.

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