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Sunday, April 7, 2013


A cloud does not know why it moves in just such a direction and at just such a speed...  it feels an impulsion... this is the place to go now.  But the sky knows the reasons and the patterns behind all clouds and you will know, too, when you lift yourself high enough to see beyond horizons.
~ Richard Bach
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Traveling is fun for me.  And I like flying.  I like airports.  Well, if I'm not too rushed, I like airports.  It is the best place to eavesdrop because people are loud there.  You hear about their travels, their families, their business.  You learn a lot about their dispositions in the few moments (or hours) you share with them.

On my last trip, I was sitting next to the phone charging station, which meant I was sitting near privileged people.  Which, many people who are able to fly are privileged to begin with.  Anyway, I was next to a not very nice woman and her boyfriend.  He must have said, "I'm sorry," at least twenty times in the half hour or forty-five minutes we were there.  Maybe more than that.  At one point I overheard the following...

Him:  I'll go get you Chapstick from that Body Shop.
Her:  Okay.  I'm just going to sit here and eat chocolate and read.

Now, that would be pretty funny except neither of them laughed.  And he did go get her Chapstick.  And she did sit there and eat chocolate and read.  I shan't judge their relationship, though.  If they are happy, that is good.

Of course maybe she had a lip issue and that is why she was sort of rude to him.  And maybe once she got her Chapstick she became a very nice person.  I don't know because I was listening to This American Life by the time he got back.

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