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Monday, March 10, 2014


Love the trees until their leaves fall off,
then encourage them to try again next year.
~ Chad Sugg
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I love trees.  Really almost any kind of tree.  I love the trees that change colors in the fall.  I love pine trees.  I love palm trees.  They are peaceful and persistent and tokens of time.  They mark moments and locations and stand in tribute to things from before now.  Like yesterday.  Or the day before yesterday.  Or even longer ago than that.

I used to climb them a lot when I was a kid.  There was a tree at my elementary school I climbed one time.  Then when I went to get down, I got my foot stuck.  The kids had to go get a teacher to help me get my foot unstuck.

The next year there was a rule in the school rulebook that said kids weren't allowed to climb trees.

I've pretty much been pretty involved in the creation of educational policies my entire life.