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Wednesday, July 2, 2014


I believe that any violation of privacy is nothing good.
~ Lech Walesa
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I saw this sign in a bathroom.  I wanted to take a picture of it (you can see that I did).  I am always uncomfortable, though, when I see a sign in the bathroom I want to take a picture of.  I am not a huge proponent of taking pictures of things in bathrooms, but sometimes I do it.  For the record, I do not believe that 299 persons would have fit into that bathroom.  As if privacy was not enough of an issue with me with my camera phone, there would have been NO privacy with 298 other people in there.

The other day, I emailed Sara and asked if she had a moment.

Sara:  I just finished lunch.  I will run to the restroom and come find you.

Me:  I'm not in the restroom.  (pause)  I hide better places than that.

And if, for some reason I had been in the restroom, I can think of no reason - other than maybe some sort of medical emergency - that I would ever need Sara (or anyone else) to RUN and come find me there.  Sometimes she takes her work a little too seriously.

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