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Thursday, October 2, 2014


Only the spoon knows what is stirring in the pot.
~ Italian proverb
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We had a wonderful time in Canada this year.  Wait, I shouldn't speak for everyone.  I know that I had a wonderful time.  It was peaceful (except fot he loud baby and the chainsaws).  The weather was great (except the one day it was kind of windy and cold).  There were good people, good books, and good food.
Part of the Canada experience is the food and the cooking and the conversation during food and about food.  At one point, Suzanne told Bill she was going to get a spoon rest for Yoctangee. 
I thought about it for a while.   I wonder why we think spoons get so much more tired than other kitchen utensils.  Really, Spoon?  You're more tired that egg beaters or flour sifters?  Or a knife?  Or a can opener?  I think the dish ran away with the spoon and it was probably the spoon's idea because the spoon was so lazy it wanted to run away instead of doing any work.
Or a whisk!  Seriously, Spoon - you deserve a rest more than a WHISK?!  Sheesh.

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