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Wednesday, March 18, 2015


We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.
~ Jacques Cousteau
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I have a desk.  I have a couple of them, actually.  I do my work at them.  Sometimes.  Sometimes I just goof off when I'm at them.  To be honest it's probably 50% work and 50% goofing off.

That is not my point.

My point is that I am interested the standing desk.  For a while it was like a stair master desk thing. Then maybe it was a biking desk thing.  Now it's a standing desk thing.  There was something on Facebook about how sitting around is going to kill everyone.  I didn't read it.  I'm not sure I believe that is true.

But why just a standing desk?  

What about a swimming desk?  Then you would REALLY get a workout while you are doing your work.  Of course if someone emailed, "Hey - I'm drowning in work over here," that could create confusion.  Or panic.

Would you have to wear a life preserver at a swimming desk?

What about a kayaking desk?  Or a rugby desk?

A hang gliding desk?

There are so many exercise / sit around and work combinations that we've failed to explore.  I'm disappointed in us.

And by us, I mean you.

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