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Wednesday, August 26, 2015


I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places.  He told me to quit going to those places.
~ Henny Youngman
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This would not be reassuring to me if I was a kid in a dentist's office.  The elephant doesn't look happy.

Hm...  I wonder why I wrote "dentist's office" when this isn't a dentist kind of chair.  This is a doctor office thing.  Well, it wouldn't be reassuring to me there, either.

It would be even less reassuring to me if I went to someone's house on a first date and this was the only piece of furniture in the house.

It would be least reassuring if someone gave it to me as a gift.
Okay...  So I'm sitting in the library writing this and I feel compelled not to let the library staff see that I even have this picture.

Maybe I don't like it because the elephant looks sad.

I think I don't like it because I don't believe we should use animals as furniture.  We should use them as snacks.


Just kidding.  Some animals shouldn't be eaten as snacks.  Because some of them are main courses.

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