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Thursday, May 23, 2013


If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.  
If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
~ Nelson Mandela
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I really like Leslie.  She is hilarious.  She says multiple things every day that make me laugh.  Often on purpose.  I like to share those things, but sometimes she doesn't want me to.  Sometimes I double check with others to see if I should share them or not.

As an example, I blogged a while ago about something she said that was hilarious.  Probably one of the funniest things I've heard.  I wanted to blog about it, but she asked me not to.  So I sent it to my brother and his partner Jared.  The humor involved Jared, actually.

When I texted it, Kirk didn't respond right away.  But then he did.

Me:  You didn't write back so I was worried L was right and you two were offended.  Had to share.  She doesn't want me to blog it...

Kirk:  I agree on the blog part.  Jared's not here so not sure what he thinks.  I'll let you know.


Kirk:  Jared laughed when I showed him...  Also, agreed...  Don't blog.

So, in the end I guess Leslie was right.  What she said - while funny - wasn't something I ought to have shared.  I'm glad I got a second opinion from Kirk and third opinion from Jared - the target of her humor.  

The moral of the story is, not everything needs to be shared.  Some things should be kept private.  Or at least out of my blog.  I'm glad I know where those boundaries are. Or that I have people around me who tell me where those boundaries ought to be.

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