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Thursday, October 15, 2015


When the tide of misfortune moves over you, even jelly will break your teeth.
~ Iranian Proverb
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Rachel:  I am a paragon of truth.  That's my jam.

Me:  It's a good one.

Rachel:  Well...  I also really like mango.  And jalapeno, and blackberry.  But the truth.  Definitely.

Me:  Strawberry rhubarb.  That's the stuff.  And I actually prefer preserves.

Me:  Truth preserves.

Rachel:  You are kinda high maintenance.

Rachel:  With your fruit chunking tendencies.

Me:  Actually not too much.  Most of the time.

Rachel:  Most of the time you prefer your fruit gel-ly not chunky.

Me:  I prefer pie.

Rachel:  Mhmmmm pie.

And this, my friends, is how you blend the fruits of your labor with the fruits of the world to create new meanings.  Creative dialogue which wanders without ever quite leaving its original path. 

Also, the above is not jelly or jam or preserves.  It's super-bubble formula.  That's the kind of stuff I put in Mason jars.

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